About Me

My Creative Journey

I have always been a perfectionist. I put a lot of time, love and thought into everything I do.  So whether you are ordering a centre piece for your home, or connecting with me through my music, I strive to offer you the very best.

My Story

I've always loved making things. In fact they were some of my earliest memories, the positive before the negative. Unfortunately I lost my mum at the age of 10 and that completely turned my life upside down. It took me to some dark places and shaped my life into what it is today. 

I've searched many years looking for happiness. It's not been an easy road and I'm still not 100% there. All I know is creativity is my outlet and without it, I'm not sure where I'd be today. 

Through my work I want to inspire others and make a difference somehow. I don't know if we can save the world anymore but I damn sure would like to try!

I want to show others that there is light beyond the darkness, that faith and love can conquor anything, and I want to help people think outside the box, to learn self love and life beyond struggle. I want to honour my mum and make sense of my purpose in this world.

I'm passionate about what I believe in. 

When I'm not creating, I'm busy spreading awareness on mental health issues, social injustice and peace.